If you want suspense... romance...

If you want suspense...romance...

If you want suspense... romance... you'll find it in the Itchy and Scratchy Movie. Coming to a theater near you. [quick muttered disclaimer] 53% new footage.

Let's get him a present.

bart simpson twisting his toe in the ground

Grampa: Look what your bad egg of a son did to my teeth!

Homer: Dad, you and your stories. "Bart broke my teeth." "The nurses are stealing my money." "This thing on my neck is getting bigger."

Marge: Now this is exactly what Bart's teacher was talking about. Our son did something wrong and you look the other way.

Homer: But Marge, look at that hangdog expression. He's learned his lesson. Let's get him a present.

Just more of me to love, honey.

adult stripper bart simpson thrusting as bang-bang bart

Rowdy Woman: You're fat!

Bart: Just more of me to love, honey.

Star Trek XII - So Very Tired

kirk, sulu, and scotty of star trek xii - so very tired

Captain's log Stardate 6051: had trouble sleeping last night... my hiatal hernia is acting up. The ship is drafty and damp. I complain but nobody listens.

Homer, did you barricade the door?

maggie simpson hammering

Marge: Homer, did you barricade the door?

Homer: Why? Oh, the zombies. No.