There, there. There, there.

reverend lovejoy comforting bart simpson in the death house

Bart: Reverend Lovejoy! You've come to comfort me?

Reverend Lovejoy: Yes, Bart. There, there. There, there.

I see wedding bells for Vanna White and Teddy Kennedy.

princess opal searching for principal skinner

Princess Opal: I see wedding bells for Vanna White and Teddy Kennedy.

Chief Wiggum: Please, Princess Opal, if we could just stick to Principal Skinner.

Princess Opal: Chief Wiggum, I am merely a conduit for the spirits. Willie Nelson will astound his fans by swimming the English Channel.

Chief Wiggum: Really? Willie Nelson?

I can assure you we'll be using the most advanced, scientific techniques in the field of... body finding.

chief wiggum addressing the press regarding missing principal skinner

I can assure you we'll be using the most advanced, scientific techniques in the field of... body finding.

Children, I don't know how to break this to you... but... Principal Skinner is missing.

schoolchlidren cheering when mrs. krabappel tells them that principal skinner is missing

Mrs. Krabappel: Children, I don't know how to break this to you... but... Principal Skinner is missing.

Children: Yay!

How long does it take to deliver a pizza?

two men monitoring the simpsons house in a pizza truck

Marge: Bart's been acting very strangely and that pizza delivery truck has been parked across the street for two weeks. How long does it take to deliver a pizza?

Man 1: Our cover's blown.

Man 2: Let's roll.

Make Legs a Manhattan.

bart simpson making a manhattan for legs and fat tony

Fat Tony: Can you mix drinks?

Bart: I don't know.

Legs: I'll have a Manhattan.

Fat Tony: Make Legs a Manhattan.

Bart: I'm not sure I... [men point guns at Bart]

You didn't believe me when I said it would be fun, did you?

clock ticking backwards during detention

Principal Skinner: You didn't believe me when I said it would be fun, did you?

Bart: No, thir.

Oh, licking envelopes can be fun. All you have to do is make a game of it.

bart simpson licking and closing envelopes

Principal Skinner: Don't worry, Bart. We'll find something fun for you to do. Ahh, here we are. Here's a whole box of unsealed envelopes for the P.T.A.

Bart: You're making me lick envelopes?

Principal Skinner: Oh, licking envelopes can be fun. All you have to do is make a game of it.

Bart: What kind of game?

Principal Skinner: Well, for example, you could see how many you can lick in an hour. And then try to break that record.

Bart: Sounds like a pretty crappy game to me.

Principal Skinner: Yes, well, get started.

It's funny how two wrongs sometimes make a right.

bart simpson hanging by his underwear from a basketball hoop

It's funny how two wrongs sometimes make a right.

I think they've learned their lesson already, Lise.

bart simpson looking back and forth nervously on the school playground

Lisa: Start them off with the Touch of Death and go from there.

Bart: I think they've learned their lesson already, Lise.

Dolph: No, we want to see the Touch of Death!

Kearney: Yeah, come on, Karate Kid. Waste me.

Another member of our nuclear family with some helpful suggestions.

mr. burns holding and petting a white cat

Mr. Burns: Oh, look, Smithers. Another member of our nuclear family with some helpful suggestions. And what's your name?

Homer: Homer Simpson, sir.

Mr. Burns: Simpson, eh? Mm-hmm. I'm Monty Burns.

Hey, I know you! You're that first apple I didn't want!

homer simpson looking at apples in a vending machine

Hey, I know you! You're that first apple I didn't want!

scratchy running around while on fire

Bart, don't use the Touch of Death on your sister.

bart simpson using the touch of death on lisa simpson

Bart: Lisa, shut your eyes. Soon you will be at peace.

Lisa: Hey, quit it, Bart. Quit it. Hey, quit it! Quit it! Quit it! Quit it! Mom!!

Marge: Bart, don't use the Touch of Death on your sister.

bart simpson playing touch of death arcade video game

I think you owe somebody a little apology.

homer simpson, marge simpson, and bart simpson watching tv; akira punching on tv in background in a commercial for springfield martial arts academy

See, Marge, you knock TV, and then it helps you out. I think you owe somebody a little apology.


choreographer breaking a cinder block with his head in a commercial for springfield martial arts academy

Akira: ...choreographers...

Choreographer: Hoa!

...landscape architects...

landscape architect breaking a cinder block with her head in a commercial for springfield martial arts academy

Akira: ...landscape architects...

Landscape Architect: Haiiiii-ya!


homemaker breaking a cinder block with her head in a commercial for springfield martial arts academy

Akira: ...homemakers...

Homemaker: Hoi-ya!


doctor breaking a cinder block with his head in a commercial for springfield martial arts academy

Akira: People from all walks of life: Doctors...

Doctor: Hai-ya!