You will give one hundred and ten percent.

hypnotist hypnotizing the springfield nuclear power plant softball team

Hypnotist: You are all very good players.

All the players: [hypnotized] We are all very good players.

Hypnotist: You will beat Shelbyville.

All the players: [hypnotized] We will beat Shelbyville.

Hypnotist: You will give one hundred and ten percent.

All the players: [hypnotized] That's impossible. No one can give more than one hundred percent. By definition that is the most any one can give.

What are you going to do with your million dollars, sir?

smithers giggling next to mr. burns

Smithers: What are you going to do with your million dollars, sir?

Mr. Burns: Oh, I don't know. Throw it on the pile, I suppose.

Oh, by the way, you new fellows, there's a sign up sheet for the company softball team on the bulletin board over there.

mr. burns evilly touching his fingertips to each other

And now I'd like to introduce the new members of our happy power plant family. Our new security guard Roger Clemens, our new janitor Wade Boggs, our new lunchroom cashier Ken Griffey, Jr., our new, well uh, we'll make up jobs for these fellows later. Please say hello to Steve Sax, Don Mattingly, Darryl Strawberry, Ozzie Smith, Mike Scioscia, and Jose Canseco. Oh, by the way, you new fellows, there's a sign up sheet for the company softball team on the bulletin board over there. Eh, just in case you wish to play.

How would you like to be a ringer on a small-town company softball team?

steve sax spinning his upright bass guitar

Smithers: How would you like to be a ringer on a small-town company softball team?

Steve Sax: Would I!

The gladiators from my power plant will crush your team like nine flabby grapes.

aristotle amadopolis, the millionaire owner of the shelbyville nuclear power plant, rubbing his index finger and thumb together

Mr. Burns: Did you hear that, Ari? My boys need only to thump your tub and the title is ours.

Ari: Ha!! The gladiators from my power plant will crush your team like nine flabby grapes.

And the next man wants to hit the ball too.

man batting in a softball game

And the next man wants to hit the ball too. And he does. And there he goes, off in that direction. And everyone is happy.

I put my homemade football on hold and set to work making the world's greatest bat.

homer simpson welding his wonderbat

I put my homemade football on hold and set to work making the world's greatest bat.

Fiddle dee dee. That will require a tetanus shot.

homer simpson shuddering after stepping on a nail

[calmly] Fiddle dee dee. That will require a tetanus shot.

Ay, caramba!

bart simpson reading a letter by candlelight

Mrs. Krabappel: "Dear Woodrow, it's time for us to meet. Why don't we go out to dinner and afterward we can go to my apartment for some home cookin'."

Bart: Huh? [realizing] Ay, caramba!

What if I see something really weird in the sky?

homer simpson wiggling his fingers into the air while lying in bed

Homer: Well Marge, self-improvement has always been a passion of mine. Bring on the swear jar. Do I have to pay if I hit my hand with the hammer?

Marge: Yes, Homer.

Homer: What if I catch on fire?

Marge: No, Homer.

Homer: What if I see something really weird in the sky?

Marge: Yes, Homer.

Homer: What about when we snuggle?

Marge: Uh... that's okay.

Here's a photo that'll get your pencil moving.

bart simpson going bug eyed when he sees a picture of his teacher edna krabappel

Mrs. Krabappel: "Dear Woodrow, I must admit I'm intrigued. You're not like the other men I've met."

Bart: Yeah. I'm the 28th President of the United States.

Mrs. Krabappel: "But, I've had some bad experiences with these ads. So, I'd like to learn more about you. Please write back soon. Here's a photo that'll get your pencil moving."

Maybe we should let the dog in.

santa's little helper shivering in the cold outside

Marge: Maybe we should let the dog in.

Homer: Marge, dogs love the outdoors.

Marge: I think he needs a dog house.

Homer: Yeah, but what're ya gonna do?

Marge: I'll bet we could buy a nice dog house for fifty dollars.

Homer: Marge, you're a tool of the dog house makers.

Marge: I am not!

Homer: Yes, you are. You've been brainwashed by all those dog house commercials on TV.

I question the educational value of this assembly.

edna krabappel and miss hoover smoking cigarettes in the back of the springfield elementary school auditorium

Miss Hoover: I question the educational value of this assembly.

Mrs. Krabappel: Hey, it'll be one of their few pleasant memories when they're pumpin' gas for a living.

Those guys must be millionaires!

yo-yo spinning trick

Bart: Those guys must be millionaires!

Nelson: I'll bet they get all kinds of girls!

Presenting, the Twirl King Champions!

zero gravity doing a yo-yo trick

Kids, this is a yo-yo. Kinda dull, huh? Not much competition for a video game... Or is it!? Presenting, the Twirl King Champions!

Knock it off!

principal seymour skinner standing on the stage of the springfield elementary auditorium in front of a bunch of crazy kids

People... people... Allllll right. You know I can wait just as long as you. [Crosses his arms and waits, then] Knock it off!

Mrs. Krabappel, I haven't seen you since we doubled our prices.

edna krabappel scratching a scratch-n-win ticket

Mrs. Krabappel: One scratch and win, Apu.

Apu: Mrs. Krabappel, I haven't seen you since we doubled our prices. Still teaching?

Mrs. Krabappel: Let's see.